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Elderflower cordial

Yes it’s elderflower cordial time again. You may have noticed the little clusters of white flowers on the hedgerows.

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Here is a tried and tested recipe to make some of your very own homemade elderflower cordial.

Makes 1 pint of concentrate.


  • 6-8 elderflower heads. You can add slightly more if you want it stronger.
  • 450 g sugar
  • 1 Lemon zested and sliced
  • 2 tsp citric acid
  • 1 pint water



  • Bring the sugar and water to boil and stir until sugar is dissolved.
  • Turn off the heat and put the elderflower heads, with as little stalk as possible, into the solution. You want the water just boiling to get rid of any impurities.
  • Zest the lemon and then slice. Put both zest and slices into the sugar solution.
  • Add the citric acid.
  • Cover and leave for 24 hours.
  • Strain into sterilised bottles.
  • Ready to serve now, dilute to taste.


TIP 1 -Citric acid helps to preserve. You can leave this out if you wish as the lemon also acts as a preservative – it depends on how fast you are planning on drinking it!


TIP 2 -To drink, instead of adding water, add chilled sparkling mineral water & white wine to taste.


TIP 3 -Make sure the elderflowers are not in a field that has recently been sprayed, that they are above dog leg height and away from traffic fumes! Elder is very genetically diverse, so pick only flowers from a sweet smelling bush.


TIP 4 -If you wish the cordial to last longer without fermentation, boil the elderflowers for 15 minutes. This will help to kill the natural yeast and will stop it fermenting.


TIP 5 -You can buy sterilising solution, citric acid, sugar and bottles from your local homebrew supplier. Dried elderflowers can also be bought if you want to make this out of season.